I am deeply drawn to ceramics’ unparalleled history as a material that is at once art and artifact. The idea of function, which is generally associated with craft materials such as ceramics, is a compelling idea. The power of the utilitarian object tied with the potential for surface ornamentation, form alteration, and multiple firings allows for objects manifested in clay to carry numerous uses and connotations: contain, preserve, offer, commemorate, and adorn. Ceramics’ flesh-like qualities before it is fired and its inherent fragility post firing serves as another avenue of intrigue.
The literal physical structure of the human is another inspiration in my research. The subtle differences within each person, creating millions of variations, coupled with our unique lived experiences is a conceptual driver. The human archetypes, as understood through Jung, serve as another path of interest. Understanding the human experience through the lens of shared and collective experience (however utopic of an idea) serves as a means for cross cultural understanding. These "primordial images," as he initially called them, serve as a basic foundation of how to be human.
My research sits at a crossroads with these observations and interests. I use a variety of clays, firing processes, and finishes to make work that deals with these complex issues. Compelled by the makers hand, I carefully and intentionally craft each piece. I do not make ceramic objects with the intention of being functional, but I work in a manor which uses the language of functional objects: pinch-pot, mug, cup, bowl...etc. The language surrounding function gives viewers an entry point to my research: the handle, foot, container…etc This narrow view of function in my work creates physical and conceptual opportunities in the attempt to find uses them.
Just as humans work to find their selves in the world around them through the anthropomorphic, pareidolia, and apotheosis, my research is a search to find myself and understanding into this world. This perpetual questioning and curiosity about place and time compels me to make.